



The New GradPoint Version 2.0

Our LMS GradPoint is changing from version 1.0 to version 2.0. The current version of GradPoint will stop working on August 15, 2018. We do not expect any interruptions and any work you have completed in version 1.0 will not be affected and will transfer to version 2.0. This page has the link to the new version of GradPoint. (v 2.0). You can also find some video tutorials that will help you navigate on the new GradPoint.

This tutorial shows the tools available to students and how to navigate  in GradPoint 2.0

This is the link to access to your courses on the new version of GradPoint 2.0

Use the same log in information as in the old version

Dux Education is a Private Career School Approved by the New Jersey Department of Education and the

New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development


School Information


School and Corporate Offices

4914 Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 205

West New York, NJ 07093

School, Testing Center and Corporate Offices

Tel (201) 305-5994

Fax (201) 305-5995

email: careers@duxed.com

Testing Center

4914 Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 205.

West New York, NJ 07093

Dux Education LLC | 2020-21

info@duxed.com | www.duxed.com